In this article difference between pop and oop we give the information about  C programs use top-down approach and C ++ programs use bottom-up approach.

Difference Between POP and OOP:

C Programming:

POP is a structural or procedural oriented programming language that is machine independent and is used extensively in various applications.
C is the basic programming language that can be used to run Oracle systems, Git, Python interpreter and many more complex programs from the operating system (like Windows).
If we know C language, we can easily learn other programming languages. The C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie, the great computer scientist at Bell Laboratories. It has some additional features that make it unique from other programming languages.

C++ Programming: 

C ++ is a special-purpose programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1980 by bell labs circa. The C ++ language is similar to the C language, and is so compatible with C that it can run 99% of C programs without changing any source of code. C ++ is an object-oriented programming language, so it is a safer and well-structured programming language than C.

Difference between C and C ++

The following is the difference between them: –

C Programming (POP) C++ Programming (OOP
It language which is a process oriented programming language It is a mixture of both process and object oriented programming language.
It does not have virtual function It has virtual function.
It programs use top-down approach It programs use bottom-up approach.
namespace is not available in C language namespace is available in C ++.
It does not have inheritance It has inheritance facility.
It is a middle level language It is a high level language.
Function overloading is not available in C function overloading is available in C ++.
It does not have operator overloading operator overloading is available in C ++.
There is no concept of polymorphism in C The concept of polymorphism is available in C ++.
It only supports built-in data types It supports both built-in and user defined data types.
It was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 It was developed by Bjrane Stroustrup in 1979.
C is what it does not support encapsulation It supports encapsulation.
C language does not support reference variable It language supports reference variable.
scanf () and printf () functions are used for input and output in C. Cin and Cout functions are used for input and output in C ++.
exception handling facility is not available in C exception handling facility available in C ++.
C programs are divided into modules and procedures It programs are divided into classes and functions.
Variable declaration always top of the main function. In C++ you can declare variable anywhere in program

Some More: 

POP- Introduction to Programming Using ‘C’

DS – Data structure Using C

OOP – Object Oriented Programming 

Java Programming

DBMS – Database Management System

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

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