Java Programming
In this page Java Programming we give the detailed syllabus for core Java and related simple notes. Also we proved related diagrams and Programs with output.
Java Programming:
Unit 1: Java Fundamentals
Introduction to Java, History of Java
JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JVM Memory Management
Operators, Keywords
Control Statements
Methods, constructor
Class, objects, methods, Access modifiers
Unit 2: Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation
Is-A Relationship, Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
Inheritance in Java, Types of inheritance
Polymorphism in Java: Types of polymorphism
Encapsulation in Java: Getter and setter method in Java.
Unit 3: Package, Multithreading and Exception handling
Package: Defining & create packages, system packages
Introduction of Exception:
Pre -Defined Exceptions, User Defined Exception examples
Try-Catch-Finally, throw, throws
Synchronization, Wait() notify() notify all() methods
AWT in Java | AWT Java Tutorial
Introduction and Components of AWT
Individual Components:-
Event-Delegation Model, Listeners, Layouts
Individual Swings components