In this article History of CPP we give the information about the C++ language is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979.

History of CPP:

C++ Programming: 

The C++ language is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. C++ is a functional and powerful programming language mainly used in GUI platforms and 3D graphics.

C++ language is similar to C language. All programs made in C language can be easily created with minor changes in C++ language.

We can say that C++ language is a superset of C language, which has some other additional features along with C language.

In C++ language, there are huge function libraries as compared to C language which makes it much easier and more convenient than C language.

C++ language is also a medium level programming language like C language, in which we can easily create both low level and high level programs. This feature of the C++ language makes it easy to create both application software and system software.

History of C++:

Bjarne Stroustrup began work on the C++ language in 1978 and released its first version in 1979. Initially, he said, it was not a new programming language, but an extended version of the C language.

When Bjarne Stroustrup added the concept of classes to the C++ language, it was called “C with Classes”.

Bjarne Stroustrup added some new concepts with classes, the language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983, named C++.

In C++ the incremental operator “++” indicates that the C++ language is an extension of the C language.

The C++ language was certified by the ISO committee in 1998, and a minor update was released in 2003, calling it C++03.

New standards for C++ languages ​​were released in 2011, 2014, and 2017, naming the C++ languages ​​as C++11, C++14, and C++17.

Every new standard C++ language comes with a new feature which helps the programmer a lot in programming

History of C++:

Language Year
C With Classes 1979
C++ 1983
C++03 2003
C++11 2011
C++14 2014
C++1 2017
C++20 2020

Benefits & Features of OOP:

  • Problem solving is easier with OOP, as it is closer to real-world objects and events that accompany it.
  • The state and behaviors of objects in OOP match those of real-world objects.
  • OOP is better for handling and managing large programs.
  • OOP provides more reliability.
  • Using abstraction, a programmer can hide unnecessary information and display only necessary information.
  • Encapsulation focuses on the structure and behavior of the object.
  • The use of Enclosures is also used to hide information and control the behavior of objects and access to the structure.
  • OOP divides a problem into groups of objects to solve it.
  • In this program modification/upgradation is more easy.
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism make object-oriented programming expandable.
  • It promotes reusability of written code.
  • Manages complexity of software with ease.
  • Objects uses Message Passing concept to talk to each other.

Some More: 

POP- Introduction to Programming Using ‘C’

DS – Data structure Using C

OOP – Object Oriented Programming 

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