In this article Data dictionary in DBMS we give the information about provides information in a structured manner about the data used in the database and their quality.

Data dictionary in DBMS:-

A “data dictionary” is used in a DBMS to store descriptions of different types of data. It provides information in a structured manner about the data used in the database and their quality. It contains various tables, fields and their data types, ranges, values, and other associated metadata.

Data dictionaries help users of a database management system and database designers organize, understand, and manage data. This description is important for data modeling, data structure, and database scheme design.

Data dictionary is an important concept in DBMS, which stores all the sections, tables, fields and their quality attributes of the database. It provides detailed information that helps in understanding data structure, data types, boundaries, permissions, rules for reading and writing data, quality control of data, and relationships of data.

The data dictionary provides information on some of the following topics:

  • Data Integrity Requirements
  • Data types and data storage
  • Data backup and recovery rules
  • Description of data protection policies and permissions
  • Data Access Control and Management
  • Data Description and Data Entry Requirements
  • Data dictionaries assist in the database management process, helping users manage data in an accurate and structured manner.

Users of databases in DBMS:-

There are different types of users of databases in DBMS who use the database in different areas. These users use the database to perform various tasks related to the database. These users can be of the following types:

End Users: These are the users who use the database directly such as data viewing, entry and editing. This may typically include end users, business employees or other users.

Database Administrators: Database administrators are responsible for managing and maintaining databases. They are responsible for the security, backup, recovery, and replacement etc. of the database.

Database Designers: Database designers are responsible for the structure and design of the database. They design the database’s structure, tables, relationships, and other database details.

Application Programmers: These are the developers who connect various software and applications to the database to allow users to manage the data.

System Analysts: These are experts who analyze and design database projects as per the needs of different sectors.

End-User Managers: These are management level users who direct the use of data and lead their team to use it in their area.

These user groups access the database and use it to accomplish database-related tasks in their area.

Some More: 

POP- Introduction to Programming Using ‘C’

DS – Data structure Using C

OOP – Object Oriented Programming 

Java Programming

DBMS – Database Management System

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

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