In this article MCQ on DBMS we give the important MCQ on DBMS with answer and description in details. DBMS stands for Database Management System.


1:- What is weak entity set represented in E-R model?

  1. from circle
  2. from rectangle
  3. From doubly outlined rectangle
  4. From Diamond

Answer:- from doubly outlined rectangle

2:- Which is the key that shows the relationship between tables.

1.secondary key

  1. foreign key
  2. primary key
  3. None of these

Answer:- foreign key

3:- Full name of DBA

  1. database action
  2. database access
  3. database administration
  4. data bank administration

Answer:- database administration

4:- Which of the following languages ​​is used to define integrity constraints?

  1. DDL
  2. DCL
  3. DML
  4. None of these

Answer:- DDL

5:- An ATTRIBUTE is called.

  1. raw
  2. domain
  3. field
  4. column

Answer:- field

6:- Data about data is called.

  1. Database
  2. Data Independence
  3. Meta Data
  4. Meta Field

Answer:- Meta data

7:- How is the entity set represented in the E-R diagram?


  1. circle
  2. Diamond
  3. ellipse

Answer:- rectangle

8:- The relationship between two entities is called.

  1. Quaternary
  2. Unary


  1. Ternary

Answer:- binary

9:- Records are organized in hierarchical model.

  1. Like graph
  2. Like link
  3. Like a list
  4. like a tree

Answer:- like a tree

10:- What does subschema display?

  1. logical view
  2. external view
  3. physical view
  4. All of these

Answer:- external view


11:- Which command is used to insert records in the table?


  1. Delete
  2. Update
  3. Select

Answer:- insert

12:- There is a domain group

  1. of files
  2. of record
  3. of value
  4. Attribute’s

Answer:- of value

13:- This is the highest level of abstraction in the database.

  1. Logical level
  2. Physical level
  3. View Level
  4. Internal level

Answer:- View Level

14:- E-R model is

  1. relational
  2. internal
  3. entity-relationship
  4. network

Answer:- entity – relationship

15:- Which of the following is not a unary operation?

  1. Select
  2. Project


  1. Rename

Answer:- union

16:- What is the relationship between three entity sets called?

  1. Unary



  1. Ternary

Answer:- Ternary

17:- There are grant and revoke statements.

  1. DML
  2. DCL
  3. DDL
  4. None of these

Answer:- DCL

18:- Which of the following is not a schema?

  1. Database Schema
  2. Physical Schema
  3. Critical Schema
  4. Logical Schema

Answer:- Critical Schema

19:- What is the full name of DFD?

  1. Data Flow Diagram
  2. Data Full Document
  3. Data File Diagram
  4. Data File Document

Answer:- Data Flow Diagram

20:- What is the full name of SQL?

  1. Strong Query Language
  2. Standard Query Language
  3. Structured Query Language
  4. None of these

Answer:- Structured Query Language


21:- What are the levels of abstraction in DBMS?

  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five

Answer:- Three

22:- Who developed normalization?

  1. Peter Chen

2.E.F. codd

  1. F.E. codd
  2. None of these

Answer:- E.F. codd

23:- Full name of BCNF is

  1. Byce codd normalization
  2. Basic codd normalization
  3. By codd normalization
  4. None of these

Answer:- Byce codd normalization

24:- Which of the following attributes can be taken as primary key?

  1. Name
  2. ID
  3. Class


Answer:- ID

25:- How many forms of SQL are there?

  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five

Answer:- There are two forms – interactive and embedded.

26:- What is ACID property?

  1. Atomicity
  2. Consistency
  3. Isolation
  4. Durability
  5. All of these

Answer:- All these

27:- Which is the key which is made up of a combination of two or more attributes and which is used as a primary key?

1.Composite key

  1. Secondary key
  2. Foreign key

4.Candidate key

Answer:-Composite key

28:- Primary key must be

  1. Unique
  2. not null
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of these

Answer:- Must be both unique and not null.

29:- When did E.F Codd propose the normalization process?

  1. 1968
  2. 1970
  3. 1973
  4. 1975

Answer:- 1970

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