DBMS | Introduction of DBMS
Unit 1: Introduction of DBMS
Functions of DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS
Structure of DBMS / Architecture of database system
Data abstraction, Data independence
Data dictionary, Users of databases.
Unit 2: Data Models
Introduction, Definition, Features of data models
Object based data models- Entity Relationship Model, Cardinality;
Record based models-
Hierarchical Model
Network Model
Relational Model
Physical Data Models.
Keys: Primary key, foreign key, candidate key, super key, unique key.
Concept of normalization, advantages, First NF, Second NF, Third NF, examples of normalizations
Unit 3: Database Management through Ms-Access
Introduction of Ms- Access, features, database creation, table creation, insert records,
Queries, forms and report creation.
Case Study:
Normalized database design system for
Library management system
Inventory management system
Introduction of SQL, features
SQL data types
DDL commands- create table, describe table, alter table and drop table commands
DML-insert, delete, update commands
DQL commands- All select commands, aggregate functions, order by clause.
Unit 4: Organization of Database System
Introduction of file, file types
Organization of file-
Heap file organization
Serial file organization
Sequential, index sequential file, random access file (direct access file)
Types of Database System:
Centralized database system
Client-server system
Distributed database system.