In this article Functions in PHP we give the information about functions are an important part of programming in PHP. This makes code reusable and keeps the program organized and modular.

Functions in PHP

Function is a code block which is given a name. It can be used again and again. Whenever a function is called, it executes the work.

How to create a function in PHP?

Syntax of creating a function

function functionName(parameters) {

    // code block


Calling a Function


Types of Function

  1. Built-in Functions: Functions already available in PHP.

Like: strlen(), strpos(), array_push().

  1. User-defined Functions: Functions created by the user.

User-defined Functions (Examples)

Example 1: Function without parameters


function greet() {

    echo “Hello, this is an example of a PHP Function!<br>”;


// call the function




Hello, this is an example of PHP Function!

Example 2: Function with parameters


function greetUser($name) {

    echo “Hello, $name!<br>”;


// call the function





Hello, Rahul!

Hello, Sonia!

Example 3: Function with Return Value


function addNumbers($a, $b) {

    return $a + $b;


// Call the function and print the result

$result = addNumbers(10, 20);

echo “Addition result: $result<br>”;



Result of addition: 30

Example 4: Default Parameters


function greet($name = “Guest”) {

    echo “Hello, $name!<br>”;


//use default value





Hello, guest!

Hello, Ravi!

Arguments and Parameters in Function

  1. Pass by Value:

By default, arguments are passed by value in PHP.


function changeValue($num) {

    $num += 10;

    echo “Inside: $num<br>”;


$value = 20;


echo “Outside: $value<br>”;



Inside: 30

Out: 20

  1. Pass by Reference:

If you want to pass a reference to a variable, use &.


function changeValue(&$num) {

    $num += 10;

    echo “Inside: $num<br>”;


$value = 20;


echo “Outside: $value<br>”;



Inside: 30

Out: 30

Variable Functions

In PHP, you can call a variable like a function.


function sayHello() {

    echo “Hello World!<br>”;


$func = “sayHello”;

$func(); // call variable function



Hello World!

Anonymous Functions (Lambda Functions)

In PHP you can create functions without names.


$greet = function($name) {

    return “Hello, $name!”;


echo $greet(“Ajay”);



Hello, Ajay!

Arrow Functions (available since PHP 7.4)

Arrow Functions are used for small code blocks.


$multiply = fn($a, $b) => $a * $b;

echo $multiply(5, 6); //30


Recursive Functions (functions that call themselves)

Example: Using Factorial


function factorial($n) {

    if ($n <= 1) {

        return 1;


    return $n * factorial($n – 1);


echo “Factorial of 5: ” .factorial(5);



Factorial of 5: 120

Function Scope (Scope Levels)

  1. Local Scope:

Variables created inside the function cannot be accessed outside.


function test() {

    $x = 10; // Local Scope

    echo $x;



// echo $x; // will give error


  1. Global Scope:

Variables declared outside the function can be accessed using $GLOBALS.


$x = 10;

function test() {

    global $x; // or $GLOBALS[‘x’]

    echo $x;




  1. Static Scope:

Static variables are used to retain values ​​between function calls.


function counter() {

    static $count = 0;


    echo $count . “<br>”;


counter(); //1                  counter(); // 2                  counter(); //3



  1. Functions make code reusable.
  2. Various methods of passing parameters and values ​​are available.
  3. Built-in, user-defined, and anonymous functions are available in PHP.
  4. Use functions to create modular and scalable code.

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