In this article Arrays in PHP we give the information about arrays are a way of storing data. It allows storing more than one value in the same variable. Arrays in PHP are used to organize and manage data.

Arrays in PHP:

Types of Arrays in PHP

There are mainly three types of arrays in PHP:

  1. Indexed Array: Which contains only values ​​and the index is automatically numbered (starting from 0).
  2. Associative Array: Which contains keys and values.
  3. Multidimensional Array: Which contains arrays within arrays.
  4. Indexed Array

It stores values ​​based on index number.

Ways to create Indexed Array:


// Method 1: Using Array Function

$fruits = array(“Apple”, “Banana”, “Orange”);

// Method 2: Short syntax (PHP 5.4+)

$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

//printing the value

echo $fruits[0]; // Apple


Using Indexed Array in Loop


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

foreach ($fruits as $fruit) {

    echo “Fruit: $fruit<br>”;




Fruit: Apple

Fruit: Banana

Fruit: Orange

  1. Associative Array

It stores data in key-value pairs.

Method of making Associative Array:


$marks = [

    “Rahul” => 85,

    “Sonia” => 90,

    “peace” => 75


//printing the value

echo “Rahul’s marks: ” .$marks[“Rahul”]; //85


Using Associative Array in Loop


$marks = [

    “Rahul” => 85,

    “Sonia” => 90,

    “peace” => 75


foreach ($marks as $name => $mark) {

    echo “Student: $name, Marks: $mark<br>”;




$marks = [

    “Rahul” => 85,

    “Sonia” => 90,

    “peace” => 75


foreach ($marks as $name => $mark) {

    echo “Student: $name, Marks: $mark<br>”;




Student: Rahul, Marks: 85

Student: Sonia, Marks: 90

Student: Aman, Marks: 75

  1. Multidimensional Array

It stores arrays within arrays.

Method of creating Multidimensional Array:


$students = [

    [“name” => “Rahul”, “number” => 85],

    [“name” => “Sonia”, “number” => 90],

    [“name” => “aman”, “number” => 75]


//accessing data

echo $students[0][“name”]; // A male name


Using Multidimensional Array in a Loop


$students = [

    [“name” => “Rahul”, “number” => 85],

    [“name” => “Sonia”, “number” => 90],

    [“name” => “aman”, “number” => 75]


foreach ($students as $student) {

    echo “Student: ” .$student[“name”]. “, score: ” . $student[“marks”] . “<br>”;




Student: Rahul, Marks: 85

Student: Sonia, Marks: 90

Student: Aman, Marks: 75

Useful Functions of Arrays in PHP


Counts the number of items in the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

echo count($fruits); //3


  1. array_push()

Adds a new value to the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”];

array_push($fruits, “Orange”);

print_r($fruits); // [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”]


  1. array_pop()

Removes the last value from the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];


print_r($fruits); // [“apple”,”banana”]


  1. array_merge()

Merges two or more arrays.


$array1 = [“apple”, “banana”];

$array2 = [“Orange”, “Mango”];

$result = array_merge($array1, $array2);

print_r($result); // [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”,”mango”]


  1. in_array()

Checks if a value exists in the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

if (in_array(“apple”, $fruits)) {

    echo “Apple exists in array.”;



  1. array_keys() and array_values()

array_keys(): Gets all the keys.

array_values(): Gets all the values.


$marks = [“Rahul” => 85, “Sonia” => 90];

print_r(array_keys($marks)); // [“Rahul”,”Sonia”]

print_r(array_values($marks)); // [85, 90]



  • Arrays are used to organize and store data efficiently.
  • Indexed, Associative, and Multidimensional Arrays can handle different data types in your application.
  • PHP Array Functions help to manage and process data easily.

PHP Array Functions and Sorting

Array Functions and Sorting in PHP are used to manage and organize Arrays. These allow you to change, add, remove, and sort the contents of arrays.

PHP Array Functions

  1. array_merge()

Merges two or more arrays.


$array1 = [“apple”, “banana”];

$array2 = [“Orange”, “Mango”];

$result = array_merge($array1, $array2);


// [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”,”mango”]


  1. array_push() and array_pop()
  • array_push(): Appends one or more values ​​to the end of the array.
  • array_pop(): Removes the last value of the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”];

array_push($fruits, “Orange”, “Mango”);

print_r($fruits); // [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”,”mango”]


print_r($fruits); // [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”]


  1. array_unshift() and array_shift()
  • array_unshift(): Appends the value to the beginning of the array.
  • array_shift(): Removes the first value from the array.


$fruits = [“banana”, “orange”];

array_unshift($fruits, “apple”);

print_r($fruits); // [“apple”,”banana”,”orange”]


print_r($fruits); // [“banana”,”orange”]


  1. array_unique()

Removes duplicate values ​​from the array.


$numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4];

$result = array_unique($numbers);

print_r($result); // [1, 2, 3, 4]


  1. in_array()

Checks if a value exists in the array.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

if (in_array(“banana”, $fruits)) {

    echo “Banana exists in array.”;



  1. array_keys() and array_values()
  • array_keys(): Returns all keys.
  • array_values(): Returns all values.


$marks = [“Rahul” => 85, “Sonia” => 90];

print_r(array_keys($marks));   // [“Rahul”,”Sonia”]

print_r(array_values($marks)); // [85, 90]


  1. array_reverse()

Returns the array in reverse order.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

$result = array_reverse($fruits);

print_r($result); // [“orange”,”banana”,”apple”]


  1. array_search()

Finds a value in an array and returns its key.


$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”];

$key = array_search(“Banana”, $fruits);

echo “Banana key: $key”; //1


PHP Array Sorting

Sorting Functions

Function Name Description

sort() sorts the array in ascending order by value.

rsort() sorts the array in descending order by value.

asort() sorts by value, preserving the keys.

arsort() sorts the values ​​in descending order, preserving the keys.

ksort() sorts the keys in ascending order.

krsort() sorts the keys in descending order.

  1. sort() and rsort()


$numbers = [4, 2, 8, 1];


print_r($numbers); // [1, 2, 4, 8]


print_r($numbers); // [8, 4, 2, 1]


  1. asort() and arsort()


$marks = [“Rahul” => 85, “Sonia” => 90, “Aman” => 75];

assort($marks); // ascending order by value


arsort($marks); // descending order by value



  1. ksort() and krsort()


$marks = [“Rahul” => 85, “Sonia” => 90, “Aman” => 75];

ksort($marks); // ascending order by keys


krsort($marks); // descending order by keys



  1. Custom Sorting (usort, uasort, uksort)

Use for custom sorting.


$numbers = [3, 1, 4, 2];

// custom sorting

usort($numbers, function($a, $b) {

    return $a <=> $b; // ascending order


print_r($numbers); // [1, 2, 3, 4]



  1. PHP Array Functions help you manage and process Arrays.
  2. Sorting Functions make data organized and efficient.
  3. Custom Sorting can be used for specific needs.

Some More: 

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