In this article Virtual Function in CPP we give the information about A function which is not actually available but still appears in some parts of the program is called Virtual Function.

Virtual Function in CPP:

A function which is not actually available but still appears in some parts of the program is called Virtual Function.


class class name



virtual void function name ()



………………………………………….   [body of virtual function]



In C++, a virtual function is a member function that is declared inside a base class and is overridden by a derived class.

  • It is declared using the virtual keyword.
  • Virtual function is mainly used to achieve runtime polymorphism. That is, it is used for late binding on the function.
  • The function call in this is completed in run-time.
  • Virtual function ensures that the correct function is called for the object.

Rules for Virtual Function:-

  1. Virtual functions can never be static members.
  2. These cannot be friend functions of another class.
  3. Virtual functions must be declared in the public section of the class.
  4. To achieve run time polymorphism, the virtual function should be accessed using pointer.
  5. The prototype of virtual functions should always be the same in base class and derived class.
  6. A class can have a virtual destructor but it cannot have a virtual constructor.
  7. Virtual function must be defined in base class.

Example of Virtual function–

#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;

class Base



virtual void show()


cout << “Base class\n”;



class Derived:public Base



void show()


cout << “Derived Class”;



int main()


Base* b;

Derived d;

b = &d;

// // virtual function, binded at runtime




Derived class

In the above program, the show() function of the base class is declared as virtual. Therefore this function can be overriden.

Pure virtual function in C++:-

A pure virtual function is a virtual function for which we do not need to write the function definition and it is just declared. It is declared by assigning 0 in the declaration.

In C++, a class that has at least one virtual function is called an abstract class.


using namespace std;

class B



virtual void s() = 0; // Pure Virtual Function


class D:public B



void s()


cout << “Virtual Function in Derived class”;



int main()


B *b;

D dobj;

b = &dobj;




Virtual Function in Derived class

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