In this article JTextField in Swing we give the information about it is used to get single line text input from the user. It provides a text box in a GUI application where the user can enter some information.

JTextField in Swing:

JTextField is an important component in Swing which is used to get single line text input from the user. It provides a text box in a GUI application where the user can enter some information.

Features of JTextField:

  1. Single line input:

JTextField is used to get single-line text input from the user.

  1. Default text:

In JTextField you can also set a default text in advance, which the user can change.

  1. Customizable size:

The number of columns of a JTextField can be set, which determines how many characters will appear in the text field.

  1. Action event:

Action event can be triggered when the user presses the Enter button in a JTextField.

Constructors of JTextField:

  1. JTextField():

Creates an empty text field.

  1. JTextField(String text):

This creates a text field with the initial text set.

  1. JTextField(int columns):

This creates a text field with the number of columns set. The number of columns means how many characters will appear in the field at a time.

  1. JTextField(String text, int columns):

This creates a text field with the initial text and the number of columns set.

//Example of JTextField:

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class JTextFieldExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Creating a JFrame

        JFrame frame = new JFrame(“JTextField Example”);

              // Creating a JLabel

        JLabel label = new JLabel(“Enter the name:”);

        // Creating a JTextField

        final JTextField textField = new JTextField(20);

                // Creating a JButton

        JButton button = new JButton(“Submit”);

        // Get a JTextField thrugh clicking a Button

        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                String userInput = textField.getText();

                System.out.println(“Your Name is : ” + userInput);



        // Join Componetans in JPanel

        JPanel panel = new JPanel();




        // Join Jpanel to JFrame


        frame.setSize(300, 200);





 In this example:

  • JTextField is being used to get name input from the user.
  • Text inserted in JTextField on button click is received through ActionListener.

Methods of JTextField:

  1. setText(String text):

Sets the text in JTextField.

  1. getText():

Gets text from a JTextField.

  1. setColumns(int columns):

Sets the width of the JTextField, which is how many columns of text will be visible.

  1. setEditable(boolean editable):

Sets the JTextField to be editable or non-editable. If set to false, the user cannot edit the text.

  1. addActionListener(ActionListener listener):

It is used to listen to the action event when the user presses the enter button in the text field.

Benefits of JTextField:

  1. Single line text input:

JTextField is a simple and useful component suitable for receiving text input in a single line from the user.

  1. Customizable:

A JTextField can be customized in terms of its size, initial text, and editable state, making it flexible.

  1. Event Handling:

Adding event handling (such as pressing Enter) to the input in a JTextField makes it interactive.

  1. Simple and easy to use:

JTextField is extremely easy to use in Swing and provides a user-friendly interface.


  • JTextField is used to get single line text input in Swing.
  • You can set text in JTextField, get it, and implement various events such as ActionListener.
  • It is an essential component that makes GUI applications interactive and user-friendly.

Using JTextField in Swing allows you to create applications with various types of forms and text inputs.

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