In this article Queue in data structure we give the information about Queue is a waiting list or other means of organizing people or object into a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order.

Queue in Data Structure:

Introduction to Queue:

A line of people, vehicles or other objects, in which the person or object at the found end is deal with first, the one behind is deal with next, and so on, and which newcomers join at the opposite end is the working of queue.

Queue is a waiting list or other means of organizing people or object into a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order.

In computer queue is a first-in-first-out data structure used to sequence multiple demands for a resource such as a printer, processor or communications channel.

Definition of queue:

Queue is an ordered list of elements in which the element is added only at one end called rear of the queue and deleted from only one end called front of the queue.

Queue is a non-primitive, linear data structure.

Operation on Queue:

The basic operations that can perform on linear queue are:

  1. To insert an element in a queue: Add or Insert
  2. To delete an element from the queue: Delete or Remove

Additional operations can be defined:

IsEmpty():     Reports whether the queue is empty or not.

IsFull():          Reports whether the queue is full or not.

Following figures explain the operation on queue.

  1. Add Or Insert:

The process of adding elements into the queue from the rear called as add or insertion operation.

Queue is empty
Insert 15
Front       Rear
Insert 25
15 25
Front Rear
Insert 35
15 25 35
Front   Rear
Insert 45
15 25 35 45
Front     Rear
Insert 55
15 25 35 45 55
Front       Rear
  1. Delete or Remove:

The process of deleting or removing the element from the front is called as delete or removes option.

Queue is full
15 25 35 45 55
Front       Rear
Delete 15
  25 35 45 55
  Front     Rear
Delete 25
    35 45 55
    Front   Rear
Delete 35
      45 55
      Front Rear
Delete 45
        Front      Rear
Delete 55, now queue is empty

Declaration of Queue:

A queue is implemented either statically or dynamically. Array is used to implement queue statically and linked list is used to implement queue dynamically. In this article, we shall implement queue statically.

Queue is an ordered list of elements in which the element is added only at one end called rear of the queue and deleted from only one end, called front of the queue.

A queue to be implemented using array requires:-

  1. A fixed size array to hold elements in queue.
  2. Two integers to indicate rear and front position of an element.

Rear keeps the status of last added item in queue and front keeps the status of first item of queue.

Using structure queue is declared as follows:


struct queue


int data[ MAX ];

int front, rear;


This represents only template of queue. Actually, queue is declared as-

struct queue q;

1.Add operation in queue:

For adding the element in queue first check, the conditions of overflow then add the element.

int IsFull()


if( q.rear = = MAXSIZE – 1)

return 1;


return 0;


void insert ( int no )


if( q.front = = -1)


q.rear = q.rear + 1; [ q.rear ] = no;

printf(“\n %d is inserted into QUEUE….”,no);


2.Delete operation in queue:

For deleting the element in queue, first check then condition of underflow and then delete the element.

int IsEmpty( )


if( q.front = = -1 | | q.front > q.rear )

return 1;


return 0;


void delete( )


int temp;

temp= [ q.front ];

q.front = q.front + 1;

printf(“\n %d element is deleted…”, temp);


3.Display elements of queue:

void display()


int i;

for(i = q.front; i<= q.rear; i++)



// This program implements the insert and delete operations in linear queue

#define MAX 4

void insert(int);

void delete();

void display();

struct queue


int front,rear;

int data[MAX];


struct queue q;

void main()


int n, ch;




printf(“\n MENU”);


printf(“\n Enter your Choice : “);




case 1:


printf(“\n Queue Overflow….”);



printf(“\n Enter number to insert: “);





case 2:


printf(“\n Queue Underflow…..”);




case 3:


printf(“\n Queue Underflow……”);




case 4:


default: printf(“\n Enter correct Choice….1 to 4 only”);





int isfull()



return (1);


return (0);


int isempty()


if(q.front==-1 || q.front>q.rear)

return (1);


return (0);


void insert(int no)





printf(“\n %d is inserted into Queue…..”, no);


void delete()


int temp;[q.front];


printf(“\n %d element is deleted …..”,temp);


void display()


int i;




Applications of Queue:-

  1. Queue is used in CPU scheduling and disk scheduling. When multiple processes require CPU at the same time, different CPU scheduling algorithms are used in this by implementing queue.
  2. It is used to transfer data between two processes in asynchronous manner. In this queue is used for synchronization. For example- IO buffers, pipes, file IO etc.
  3. It is used in print spooling.
  4. In graph, it is in BFS (breadth first search). BFS is an algorithm in the data structure that traverses and searches the graph.
  5. In handling the interrupts occurring in the real time system. As soon as interrupts are generated they are handled in the same order. The interrupt that will be generated first is handled first.
  6. In real life, the phone systems of the call center also use the queue. It is used to hold the customers’ calls in an order. Unless an executive becomes free.

Some More: 

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DS – Data structure Using C

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