In this article problem definition in computer we give the information about understand the problem for which the program has to be developed. That is, the problem is identified and understood in this.

Problem definition in computer-


If we define a problem in very simple words, then by performing any operation on the computer, we want to get some kind of processed data i.e. result, we can see all that work as a problem. . For example: Multiplying two numbers is a problem.

Problem definition:

“It is an action to identify the problem, to understand the problem, and to understand any Constraints that may be the limits of the solution.”

This is the first step to develop the program.

In this we understand the problem for which the program has to be developed. That is, the problem is identified and understood in this.

In this step, the problem is formally defined.

In this all the factors like – input/output, memory requirement, processing requirement, error handling etc. are discussed.

Processes (problem solving steps):

  • A computer cannot solve a problem by itself. The computer has to provide a step-by-step solution to the problem. In fact, it is not the job of the computer to solve the problem.
  • It is the programmer who has to write the solution to the problem in terms of simple operations that the computer can understand and operate.

Problem Solving Steps:-

To solve a problem through computer one has to go through certain steps. Such as follows,

  1. Understanding the Problem:
    Here we try to understand to solve the problem completely. Before taking the next step, you must be absolutely sure of the motives of a problem.
  2. Problem Analysis:
    Once we fully understand how to solve the problem, we look for different ways to solve the problem and evaluate each of these methods. The idea here is to find the right solution to the problem in question.

The end result of this step is a detailed review of the sequence of actions taken to solve a problem.

  1. Developing Solutions:
    Here an overview of the sequence of operations resulting from the analysis phase is extended to a step-by-step solution to the problem in question.
  2. Coding and Implementation:
    The final step in problem solving is to translate the detailed sequence of operations into a language that the computer can understand. Here each step is converted into its equivalent instruction or instruction in the computer language which has been selected for implantation.

Some More: 

POP- Introduction to Programming Using ‘C’

DS – Data structure Using C

OOP – Object Oriented Programming 

Java Programming

DBMS – Database Management System

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

Join Now: Data Warehousing and Data Mining 

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