In this article operator overloading we give the information bout operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism in which operators are overloaded to give a special meaning to a user-defined data type.

Operator Overloading in C++:-

In C++, we can specify more than one definition for the operator in the same scope. This is called operator overloading.

In other words, “Operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism in which operators are overloaded to give a special meaning to a user-defined data type.”

In C++, operator overloading is used to perform operations in user-defined data types.

Its main advantage is that through this we can perform different operations in the same operand.

For example, we use the ‘+’ operator to add integers. And ‘+’ is also used to concatenate strings.

Operator Overloading

In C++, most of the operator’s can be overloaded, but there are some operator’s in it which cannot be overloaded. Operator’s which cannot be overloaded are the following:-

scope operator – ::


member selector -.

member pointer selector – *

ternary operator -?:

Syntax of operator overloading:-

We use a special operator function to overload the operator:-

class className


… .. …


returnType operator symbol (arguments)


… .. …


… .. …



  • Return Type is the return type of the function.
  • Operator is a keyword.
  • Symbol is an operator that we want to overload.
  • Arguments are the arguments passed to the function.

Rules of Operator Overloading:–

There are some important rules for this which we have to keep in mind.

  • Only built-in operators can be overloaded. If some operator is not present in C++ then we cannot overload them.
  • The precedence and associativity of operators cannot be changed.
  • We cannot use the friend function to overload any particular operators. But, we can use the member function to overload these operators.
  • It is necessary to define assignment “=”, subscript “[]”, function call “()” and arrow operator “->” as member function.
  • The overloaded operator must include at least one operand of the user-defined data type.
  • An overloaded operator cannot hold default parameters.
  • Some operators such as – assignment “=”, address “&”, and comma “,” are already overloaded.

Example of Operator Overloading:



class demo



int y;






void operator ++()



cout<<“\n The Count is: “<<y;


void operator –()



cout<<“\n The Count is: “<<y;



void main()


demo p;







The Count is: 7

The Count is: 5

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