In this article member function in c++ we give the information about member functions are functions that are declared within the class definition and act on the data members of the class.

Member Function in C++:

In C++, member functions are functions that are declared within the class definition and act on the data members of the class.

Member functions have their own definition and can be defined inside or outside the class definition.

Member functions can be defined directly within the class definition. But if we define it outside the class then we have to use scope resolution operator :: with class name and function name.

In the example given below, we have defined the function inside the class.

class Square



int side;

int getResult()


return side*side;



In the example below, we have defined the function outside the class. So for this we use scope resolution operator :: :-

class Square



int side;

int getResult();


// member function defined outside class definition

int Square :: getResult()


return side*side;


Calling member functions –

Just as we access the data members of the class, similarly we can access the member function with the object using the dot operator (.)

Types of Member function in C++

It has the following types:-

  1. Simple functions
  2. Static functions
  3. const functions
  4. Inline functions
  5. Friend functions

Simple member function

These are basic member functions and they do not have any special keywords.

Its syntax is given below:-

return_type functionName(parameter_list)


function body;


Static member function –

The static keyword is used to make a function static. The member function of the class does not depend on the objects of the class.

const member function –

For this use const keyword. When a member function is declared as const then these objects can never change.

void fun() const


// statement


inline function

The inline function in c++ reduces the overhead of function calls. For this the inline keyword is used.

Friend function

Through Friend functions, we can access private and protected data members of the class. For this the friend keyword is used.

// Swapping two numbers using Class



class swap



int num1, num2;   // data members


void getdata()    // Member functions – Inside definition


cout<<“\n\n\n Enter the 2 numbers: “;



void display();   // Member function – Outside definition


void swap::display()


cout<<“\n Before swap Num1: “<<num1<<“\t Num2: “<<num2;

int t=0;




cout<<“\n After swap Num1: “<<num1<<“\t Num2: “<<num2;


void main()


swap p;     // create object


p.getdata();      //  calling data member using object with dot operator





Enter the 2 numbers: 10


Before swap Num1: 10       Num2: 20

After swap Num1: 20         Num2: 10

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