In this article call by value and call by reference we give the information about In this, the values ​​of the parameters of the calling function are copied to the variables declared in the parameters of the function-definition. 

call by value and call by reference

Passing arguments to function in C++:-

There are 3 way to Passing arguments to functions such as follows:-

Passing arguments to function:

1. Call by value in C++

In this, the values ​​of the parameters of the calling function are copied to the variables declared in the parameters of the function-definition i.e. the values ​​of the actual parameter are copied to the formal parameter.

Function definition only uses the values ​​of the actual parameters copied by the formal parameters. In a way, there are duplicate values ​​in the function definition. Therefore, even if the declared variable -name in both the parameters are same, there is no change in the value of the actual parameter when the values ​​of the formal parameter are changed.



void value(int,int);  // function declaration

void main()



   int x,y;                   // variable declaration

   cout<<“\n Enter two number: “;


    cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

   cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;

   value(x,y);                 // call by value

   cout<<“\n After call by value”;

   cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

   cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;



  void value (int x, int y)         // function definition


        int z;

        z = x;

        x = y;

        y = z;



Enter two numbers: 12


First number: 12

Second number: 13

After call by value

First number: 13

Second number: 12

Call by reference in C++:-

In this, there are reference variables in the formal parameter, which are references to the actual parameter which has a different variable name. Here, just like call by value, the values ​​of the actual parameter are copied into the formal parameter. But when the values ​​of the formal parameter change, the value of the actual parameter also changes.



void main()



   int x,y;                 // variable declaration

   void value(int&,int&);           // function declaration

   cout<<“\n Enter two number: “;


   cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

   cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;

   value(x,y);                   // call by reference

   cout<<“\n After call by reference”;

   cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

   cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;



 void value (int &a, int &b)   // function definition


      int c;

       c = a;

       a = b;

       b = c;



Enter two number: 12


First number :1 2

Second number: 13

After call by reference

First number : 13

Second number: 12

3. Call by pointer in C++:-

This method of parameter passing is different from the other two. To understand this, it is necessary to understand pointer. In this method, the memory address of the values ​​is passed in the function definition, As we know that we can access the memory address of any values ​​using a pointer variable. Therefore, the function definition consists of formal parameters, pointer variables, which access the address of the actual parameter.

In this way the memory address pass of the values ​​in the function definition is, In this also, when the value of the formal parameter is changed, as in call by reference, the value of the actual parameter also changes.



 void main()



     int x,y;                  // variable declaration

     void value(int*,int*);           // function declaration

     cout<<“\n Enter two number: “;


     cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

     cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;

     value(&x,&y);                  // call by pointer

     cout<<“\n After call by pointer”;

     cout<<“\n First number : “<<x;

     cout<<“\n Second number: “<<y;



  void value (int *a, int *b)        // function definition


        int c;

        c  = *a;

        *a = *b;

        *b = c;



Enter two number: 12


First number : 12

Second number: 13

After call by pointer

First number : 13

Second number: 12

In this way we pass the values ​​in the function definition by passing a parameter.

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