In this article Conditional Statements in Python we give the information about Conditionals and Boolean Values ​​in Python are used to make decisions in programming. This gives the program the ability to do different things depending on different situations.

Conditional Statements in Python:

Boolean Values ​​(True and False)

There are only two Boolean values ​​in Python:

  • True
  • False


print(10 > 5) # True

print(10 < 5) # False

Boolean Values ​​are mainly used in decision making statements (like if, else).

Relational Operators

These operators compare two values ​​and give Boolean output.

Operator meaning example

== is equal to 5 == 5 → True

!= is not equal to 5! = 3 → True

> 10 is bigger > 5 → True

< is smaller than 5 < 10 → True

>= is greater or equal to 7 >= 7 → True

<= is less than or equal to 4 <= 8 → True

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine or examine Boolean expressions.

Operator meaning example

and both the conditions should be True (5 > 3) and (10 > 7) → True

or At least one condition must be True (5 > 10) or (7 > 3) → True

not Reverses the Boolean not (5 > 3) → False

Conditional Statements in Python:

If statement in Python is used to make decisions. This allows the program to perform different actions depending on a certain condition.

if statement

Basic syntax of if

if condition:

    code # when condition is true

if 10 > 5:

print(“10 is greater than 5”) # This line will run because the condition is true

Important points:

  1. If Statement checks a condition.
  2. If the condition is true, the code below runs.
  3. If the condition is False, the code below does not run.

Example 1: The Simplest If Statement

age = 18

if age >= 18:

print(“You can vote!”) # This will run because the condition is true

if-else statement

Sometimes the code has to be run even if the condition is false. For this we use else.


if condition:

    code # when condition is true


    code # when condition is false

marks = 85

if marks >= 90:

print(“A Grade”)

elif marks >= 75:

print(“B Grade”)


print(“C Grade”)

if-elif-else Statement

Sometimes more than one condition has to be checked. For this we use elif (else if).


if condition1:

    Code # when condition1 is true


    Code # When condition 2 is true


    Code # When all conditions are false

marks = 85

if marks >= 90:

print(“A Grade”)

elif marks >= 75:

print(“B Grade”)


print(“C Grade”)

Nested if

Another if statement can be written inside one if statement. This is called Nested If.

number = 10

if number > 0:

    if num % 2 == 0:

print(“This is a positive and even number.”) # This will run


print(“This is a positive but odd number.”)


print(“The number is negative.”)


number = 10

if number > 0:

    if num % 2 == 0:

print(“This is a positive and even number.”) # This will run


print(“This is a positive but odd number.”)


print(“The number is negative.”)

Example: Use of Logical and Relational Operators

a = 15

b = 10

c = 20

if (a > b) and (a < c):

print(“a is greater than b and smaller than c”)


print(“Conditions are not valid”)

Ternary Operator (Short if-else)

x = 10

y = 20

result = “x is larger” if x > y else “y is larger”

print(result) # Output: y is big


  • In Python, Boolean Values ​​and Operators are used for decision-making.
  • if, else, and elif are used to run different code based on conditions.
  • Relational and logical operators return Boolean values, which are used in conditional statements.

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