In this article Pointers in C we give the information about pointer is a special derived data type that holds the address of another variable.

Pointers in C:

  • A pointer in the C programming language is a variable that is used to store the address of another variable. Basically, a Pointer is essentially a simple Integer variable that holds a memory address that points to a value rather than holding the actual value.
  • Pointers are special type of variables which are used to store address instead of value.
  • Pointer is a special derived data type that holds the address of another variable.
  • Pointers variables can be of different data types like – (int, char, float, double, array, function) which are very easy to declare.
  • Its size depends on the architecture of the computer, like for 32 bit architecture it takes 2 bytes. Pointer in C language is denoted by asterisk ( * ) symbol.


int *ptr=n;

Here ptr is a pointer, which is of integer type. It holds the address of variable ‘n’. Through this, both the address and value of variable ‘n’ can be printed.

Declaring a pointer:

Like all other data types, pointer also needs to be declared.


Data_types *pointer_name;


Int *marks;

Where the data type can be int, float, or char, and the pointer name is a name given by the user, the asterisk (*) symbol indicates that the variable is a pointer.

Pointers in C:

Types of Pointer in C:

Pointers in C

1. NULL Pointer:

The pointer which is not assigned any value is called NULL pointer. The NULL pointer in C programming does not point to the address of any variable. When printed it can print garbage value, so it is always assigned NULL value.

Int *ptr=NULL;

2. Void pointer:

Void pointer in C is a pointer that is not associated with any data type. It points to some data location in storage. When a pointer is declared with a void keyword it is called a void pointer.

3. Wild pointer:

A wild pointer is merely declared but not assigned the address of any variable. These are different from pointers i.e. they also store a memory address but point to unallocated memory or a data value that has been deleted. Such pointers are known as Wild Pointers.

4. Dangling pointer:

Pointers pointing to deallocated memory blocks are known as dangling pointers. This situation produces an error known as the dangling pointer problem.

Usage of Pointer in C:

  • Pointer is used in dynamic memory allocation and deallocation.
  • It is used in complex data structures like linked list, graph, tree etc.
  • Pointers are used in system level programming where memory addresses are very important.
  • To implement the data structure.
  • Pointers are used when multiple values ​​have to be returned at once.
  • Pointers can also be used to access array elements.
  • When we have to pass the address of a variable as a reference to the function, then pointer is used.
  • Pointer is used in file handling.

Advantages of pointer:

  • They are used in dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic memory allocation is not possible without pointer.
  • They are also used in Array, Function and Structure.
  • It reduces the program code, that is, reduces the size of the code.
  • Through this, the memory address of a variable can be directly accessed.
  • Reduces the execution time of the program.
  • In Call by reference method, pointer is used to pass the value between two functions.

Disadvantages of pointer:

  • It is slow as compared to other variables.
  • If no value is assigned to Pointer, it returns garbage value, so it has to do with NULL Pointer.

Example of the pointer in C programming –


void main()


    int* ptr,a;

    n = 100;

   ptr = &n;

printf(“Value of N = %d,  Assigned address of N to ptr = %d”,n, ptr);


Output – 

Value of a = 100, Assigned address of a to ptr = 2000

Some More: 

POP- Introduction to Programming Using ‘C’

DS – Data structure Using C

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