In this article Basic Tuples Operations we give the information about Tuple is an immutable data structure in Python. A variety of basic operations can be performed on a tuple. Here are the main operations performed with Tuples:

Basic Tuples Operations:

  1. Concatenation

The + operator can be used to join two tuples.


tuple1 = (1, 2, 3)

tuple2 = (4, 5)

# Adding tuple

result = tuple1 + tuple2

print(result) # Output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

  1. Multiplying Tuple (Repetition)

The * operator can be used to multiply a tuple by a number.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

# multiplying tuple 3 times

result = my_tuple * 3

print(result) # Output: (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)

  1. Getting the Length of Tuple

The len() function is used to find how many elements a tuple contains.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40)

# length of tuple

length = len(my_tuple)

print(length) # Output: 4

  1. Minimum and Maximum Value in Tuple

min() and max() functions are used to find the smallest and largest value in a tuple.


my_tuple = (5, 10, 15, 20)

# minimum and maximum values

print(min(my_tuple)) # Output: 5

print(max(my_tuple)) # Output: 20

  1. Repeated occurrence of a value in a tuple (Count)

count() method is used to find the number of a particular value.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2)

#2 How many times has it come

count = my_tuple.count(2)

print(count) # Output: 3

  1. Knowing the position of a value in a tuple (Index)

index() method is used to find the first position (index) of a particular value.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 20)

#20 first place

index = my_tuple.index(20)

print(index) # Output: 1

  1. Membership Testing

in and not in are used to check whether a particular value is present in a Tuple or not.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4)

# checking membership

print(2 in my_tuple) # Output: True

print(5 not in my_tuple) # Output: True

  1. Iterating through Tuple

For loop is used to access all the values ​​of a tuple one by one.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30)

# iterating the tuple

for item in my_tuple:






  1. Sorting the Tuple

Sorting is done by first converting the Tuple into a list because Tuple is immutable.


my_tuple = (30, 10, 20)

# Sorting Tuple by converting it into List

sorted_tuple = tuple(sorted(my_tuple))

print(sorted_tuple) # Output: (10, 20, 30)

  1. Adding or Removing Elements from a Tuple
  • To add or remove a tuple, first transform the tuple into a list.
  • Then convert the list into Tuple.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

# Change and add to List

temp_list = list(my_tuple)


my_tuple = tuple(temp_list)

print(my_tuple) # Output: (1, 2, 3, 4)


  • Many operations can be performed on a Tuple like addition, multiplication, length checking, min/max values, and membership.
  • Tuple cannot be changed directly because it is immutable.
  • If a Tuple needs to be converted, first convert it to a list and then back to a Tuple.

Indexing, Slicing:

Indexing and Slicing are used to access data in data structures like Tuple, List, and String in Python.

  1. Indexing

It is used to access a particular element of a Tuple (or other data structures).

  • Index always starts from zero (0).
  • You can use both Positive Indexing and Negative Indexing.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

# Positive Indexing

print(my_tuple[0]) # Output: 10 (first element)

print(my_tuple[3]) # Output: 40 (fourth element)

# Negative Indexing (counting from the last)

print(my_tuple[-1]) # Output: 50 (last element)

print(my_tuple[-3]) # Output: 30 (3rd element)

Error Handling:

If you use an Index that does not exist in the Tuple, an IndexError will occur.

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

print(my_tuple[5]) # Output: IndexError: tuple index out of range

  1. Slicing

Slicing is used to extract a sub-part from a tuple (or other data structures).



  • start: The location from which slicing will start (default: 0).
  • end: The location up to which slicing will occur (this location will not be included).
  • step: At how many steps data will be taken (default: 1).


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

# Use of Slicing

print(my_tuple[1:4]) # Output: (20, 30, 40)

print(my_tuple[:3]) # Output: (10, 20, 30) (from start to 3rd index)

print(my_tuple[2:]) # Output: (30, 40, 50) (from second index to last)

  1. Slicing with Negative Indexing

You can also do slicing using a negative index.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

# Use of Negative Index

print(my_tuple[-4:-1]) # Output: (20, 30, 40)

print(my_tuple[-3:]) # Output: (30, 40, 50)

  1. Use of Step (Skipping Elements)

In step slicing it determines how many elements to skip at a time.


my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

# slicing with step

print(my_tuple[::2]) # Output: (10, 30, 50) (takes every other element)

print(my_tuple[1::2]) # Output: (20, 40) (takes every second element from the first index)

Use of Negative Step:

Tuple can be reversed by using negative step.

my_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

# Inverting the tuple

print(my_tuple[::-1]) # Output: (50, 40, 30, 20, 10)

  1. Using Slicing to Change Part of a Tuple (Indirect Update)

Tuple cannot be updated directly because it is immutable. But new Tuple can be created using slicing.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Removing the second and fourth elements

new_tuple = my_tuple[:1] + my_tuple[3:]

print(new_tuple) # Output: (1, 4, 5)

Key Points of Indexing and Slicing:

  1. A particular element of a Tuple is accessed using Indexing.
  2. A sub-part of the Tuple is accessed using Slicing.
  3. Tuple can be accessed in reverse or custom way using Negative Indexing and Step.
  4. Tuple cannot be updated directly, but new tuple can be created using slicing and concatenation.

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