PHP Syllabus

In this page PHP Syllabus we provide the all pints of PHP with simple notes and related examples. also related Setting up a PHP development environment, Basics of web development etc.

Chapter 1: Introduction to PHP

Setting up a PHP development environment, Basics of web development

PHP Syntax, PHP tags and delimiters, PHP data types and variables, Variable scope

Constants and Magic constants

Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, assignment, comparison and logical operators, String and array operators

Precedence and associativity of operators, Type juggling and type casting.

Chapter 2: Control Structures

Conditional statements: if, else, elseif, switch

Looping statements: for loop in PHP

while loop in PHP

do-while loop in PHP

foreach Break and continue statements.

Error handling and exceptions

Functions and Arrays:

Defining and calling functions Passing arguments to functions, Returning values from functions

Working with arrays: indexed, associative, and multidimensional arrays, Array functions and sorting

Working with Forms and User Input:

HTML forms and form elements, Retrieving user input with $_GET and $_POST

Form validation and sanitization, Handling file uploads

Chapter 3: Working with Database-MySQL

Introduction to databases and MySQL, Connecting to a MySQL database, SQL queries: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

Prepared statements and preventing SQL injection, Retrieving and displaying data from a database

Chapter 4: Session Management and Cookies

Understanding sessions and cookies, Creating and destroying sessions

Storing session data, Managing user authentication and authorization

File Handling and Directory Operations:

Working with files and directories

Reading from and writing to files

File uploads and file permissions

File and directory manipulation functions