In this article MODULES in python we give the information about “Modules” in Python are files that contain Python code. It can contain functions, classes, and variables, and you can use them in your scripts. It help to reuse code and keep the project organized.

MODULES in python:

“Modules” in Python are files that contain Python code. It can contain functions, classes, and variables, and you can use them in your scripts. It help to reuse code and keep the project organized.

Types of Python modules

  1. Built-in Modules

These are already available in Python. Example:

  • math
  • os
  • random
  • sys
  1. User-defined Modules

These modules are created by the user. For example, if you write functions and code in a file and use it in another program, it becomes your user-defined module.

import statement to use the module

import is used to access a module in Python.

Example: built-in module

import math

print(math.sqrt(16)) # Output: 4.0

Example: User-Defined Module

Suppose, you have a file which contains this code:


def greet(name):

    return f”Hello, {name}!”

Now you can import it into your script like this:

import my_module

print(my_module.greet(“Rajveer”)) # Output: Hello, Rajveer!

Using from … import

You can also import just a specific function or variable from a module:

from math import sqrt

print(sqrt(25)) # Output: 5.0

Benefits of Python modules

  1. Code Reusability: Code written once can be used again and again.
  2. Organized Code: Dividing the code into separate files makes it easier to read and understand.
  3. Use of built-in tools: The work can be made simpler and faster with the built-in modules available in Python.

Datetime module:

Python’s datetime module is used to manage time and date. It simplifies timestamps, dates, times, and time calculations.

Below the main parts of datetime module and their usage:

 using datetime module

Importing the datetime module:

import datetime

  1. Getting the current date and time


import datetime

# Current date and time

current_datetime =

print(“Current date and time:”, current_datetime)


Current date and time: 2024-12-17 12:34:56.789012

  1. Getting only the date


import datetime

# today’s date

current_date =

print(“Today’s date:”, current_date)


Today’s date: 2024-12-17

  1. Setting custom date and time

You can set your own date and time.


import datetime

# Custom date and time

custom_datetime = datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 25, 10, 30, 45)

print(“Custom date and time:”, custom_datetime)


Custom date and time: 2024-12-25 10:30:45

  1. Extracting separate parts of date and time


import datetime

now =

print(“Year:”, now.year)

print(“Month:”, now.month)


print(“hour:”, now.hour)

print(“minute:”, now.minute)

print(“Second:”, now.second)

  1. Date and Time Difference

You can find the time difference by using timedelta.


import datetime

# today’s date

today =

# custom date

future_date =, 12, 25)

# find the difference

difference = future_date – today

print(“Difference:”, difference.days, “days”)


Gap: 8 days

  1. Formatting the date and time

use of strftime

You can format the date and time as per your choice.


import datetime

now =

formatted_date = now.strftime(“%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S”)

print(“Formatted date and time:”, formatted_date)

Formatting Codes:

code meaning

%d days (01-31)

%m month (01-12)

%Y Year (four digits)

%H Hours (in 24-hour format)

%M minutes

%S seconds

  1. Parsing Strings

Using strptime:


import datetime

date_str = “25-12-2024”

parsed_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, “%d-%m-%Y”)

print(“Parsed Date:”, parsed_date)

  1. Time Handling

Getting time only:

import datetime

# time only

time_now =

print(“Current time:”, time_now)

9.UTC Time


import datetime

utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

print(“Current UTC time:”, utc_now)

Main class of datetime module:

class use

date Working only with dates

time working only with time

datetime Working with date and time

timedelta for time interval

Calendar modules:

The calendar module in Python is used to perform calendar related tasks. With the help of this module you can create calendars, calculate dates and days, and get information about the year or month.

Using the calendar module

First you need to import the module:

import calendar

  1. Show month calendar


import calendar

# Show calendar of any month

print(calendar.month(2024, 12)) # Calendar for December 2024


December 2024

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su


 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

  1. Show full year calendar


import calendar

# whole year calendar


  1. Getting information about any day


Returns the day of a date (0=Monday, 6=Sunday).

import calendar

day = calendar.weekday(2024, 12, 25) # 25 December 2024

print(“Day:”, day) # Output: 2 (Wednesday)

  1. First and last day of the year


This function tells the start day of the month and the total days in the month.

import calendar

start_day, total_days = calendar.monthrange(2024, 12)

print(“First day:”, start_day) # Output: 6 (Sunday)

print(“Total days:”, total_days) # Output: 31

  1. Checking leap years


This function tells whether a year is a leap year or not.

import calendar

print(calendar.isleap(2024)) # Output: True (leap year)

print(calendar.isleap(2023)) # Output: False

  1. Counting leap years between two years


This function tells the number of leap years that come between two years.

import calendar

leap_years = calendar.leapdays(2000, 2025) # between 2000 and 2025

print(“Number of leap years:”, leap_years) # Output: 6

  1. Creating a calendar in custom format


import calendar

# HTML calendar

html_cal = calendar.HTMLCalendar().formatmonth(2024, 12)


  1. Getting the calendar in the loop


It gives the month calendar in the form of a 2D list.


import calendar

month = calendar.monthcalendar(2024, 12)

for week in month:



[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]

[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

[16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]

[23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]

[30, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

  1. Set a custom start day of the week

By default, Monday is considered the first day of the week in Python. You can change this.


import calendar

# Setting the first day of the week to Sunday


# show calendar

print(calendar.month(2024, 12))

Main functions of calendar module

Function Description

calendar(year) prints the calendar for the entire year

month(year, month) prints the calendar for a month

isleap(year) Checks whether the year is a leap year or not

leapdays(y1, y2) returns the number of leap years between two years.

monthrange(year, month) returns the first day of the month and the total days

weekday(y, m, d) returns the day of a date

math module in python

Python’s math module is used to make mathematical calculations simpler and faster. It comes with a host of pre-built functions that allow you to perform advanced calculations, trigonometry, logarithms, and other mathematical operations with ease.

using the math module

Importing the math module:

import math

Main functions of math module

  1. Basic Mathematical Functions

function description example

math.ceil(x) Rounds the number upward math.ceil(4.2) → 5

math.floor(x) rounds the number down math.floor(4.8) → 4

math.fabs(x) gives the magnitude of the number math.fabs(-5) → 5.0

math.factorial(x) gives the factorial of the number math.factorial(5) → 120

math.gcd(a, b) Greatest Common Factor (GCD) of two numbers math.gcd(12, 18) → 6

  1. Exponential and Logarithm Functions

function description example

math.exp(x) calculates e^x math.exp(2) → 7.389

math.log(x, base) Finds the logarithm (base is optional) math.log(8, 2) → 3.0

math.log10(x) Finds the logarithm of base 10 math.log10(100) → 2.0

math.pow(x, y) finds x to the power y math.pow(2, 3) → 8.0

math.sqrt(x) finds the square root math.sqrt(16) → 4.0

  1. Trigonometry Functions

function description example

math.sin(x) sine of angle in radians math.sin(math.pi/2) → 1.0

math.cos(x) cosine of angle in radians math.cos(0) → 1.0

math.tan(x) Tangent of angle in radians math.tan(math.pi/4) → 1.0

math.asin(x) inverse sine math.asin(1) → 1.5708

math.acos(x) inverse cosine math.acos(1) → 0.0

math.atan(x) inverse tangent math.atan(1) → 0.7854

math.degrees(x) converts radians to degrees math.degrees(math.pi) → 180.0

math.radians(x) converts degrees to radians math.radians(180) → 3.14159

  1. Float and Fraction Functions

function description example

math.modf(x) returns decimal and integer parts of the number math.modf(4.5) → (0.5, 4.0)

math.trunc(x) returns integer division of a number math.trunc(4.9) → 4

  1. Special Functions

function description example

math.pi Value of π (pi) math.pi → 3.141592653589793

math.e Value of e (Natural Logarithm Base) math.e → 2.718281828459045

math.inf Value of Infinity math.inf → ∞

math.nan Value of NaN (Not a Number) math.nan → NaN

Some useful examples of math module

Example 1: to calculate

import math

radius = 5

area = math.pi * math.pow(radius, 2)

print(“Area of ​​circle:”, area) # Output: 78.53981633974483

Example 2: Trigonometry

import math

angle = 45 # in degrees

radian = math.radians(angle)

print(“Sine:”, math.sin(radian)) # Output: 0.7071067811865476

print(“Cosine:”, math.cos(radian)) # Output: 0.7071067811865476

print(“Tangent:”, math.tan(radian)) # Output: 1.0

Example 3: Factorial and GCD

import math

print(“Factorial of 5:”, math.factorial(5)) # Output: 120

print(“GCD of 12 and 18:”, math.gcd(12, 18)) # Output: 6

Example 4: Square Roots and Logarithms

import math

print(“Square root of 16:”, math.sqrt(16)) # Output: 4.0

print(“Logarithm of base 10:”, math.log10(100)) # Output: 2.0

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