BCA Syllabus Shivaji University | C Programming

BCA Syllabus Shivaji University:

Introduction to Programming using ‘C’

In this page bca syllabus shivaji university we give the details of syllabus points and related links with simple notes, related diagrams and examples.

Unit 1: Basics of Programming and Ubuntu OS 

Problem definition, problem analysis

Algorithms- Definition, Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages

Algorithm- Examples

Flowchart- Definition, Symbols and Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

Flowchart- Examples

Vim Editor, Writing, Introduction to GCC Compiler

Types of errors in C Programming

History of C Programming

Basic Structure of C Programming

Keywords, Identifiers, Tokens, Character set and Constants

Variable Definition, Declaration, Data Types

Operators in C Programming:

Arithmetic, Relational, Logical and Assignment

Increment/ Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise and Special Operator

Managing Input/output Statement in C

Branching Statements –

Introduction, if statement, if-else statement, Nested if-else statements

Switch case statement

Unconditional statement in C Programming:

break, continue, exit and goto

Unit 2: Control Statements and Array 

While loop- Definition of Loop, Syntax, flowchart and example, Infinite Loop

Do-while loop- Syntax, flowchart and example

Difference between while and do while

For loop- Syntax, flowchart and example

Features of Array, Definition and declaration of array One Dimensional Array

Two Dimensional Arrays, Multi Dimensional Array

Predefined String functions: srtcat(), strcpy(), strlen(), strrev() etc.

Unit 3: User Defined Functions and Pointer

Definition, declaration, prototype of function, User defined functions

Recursion function with example

Type of variable: Local and global variable

Storage classes: auto, extern, static and register


Address Operator in C

Pointer Definition and Declaration, Pointer Initialization.

Pointer Arithmetic in C

Arrays of Pointers, Pointers and One and two dimensional Arrays

Call by value and call by reference

Dynamic Memory Allocation in C

Unit No. 4: Structures and File Handling 

Structure: Definition and declaration of Structure and Examples

Nested Structure

Array of structures

structure pointer

Passing structure to function, self- referential structure

Union: Definition and declaration and Example

Difference between Structure and Union

Concept of File

Types of files, files-fopen() and fclose(), File opening mode.

Functions of file handling:

gets(), puts(), fwrite(), fread(), fprintf(), fscanf(),  fseek(), ftell(), fflush(), rewind()

C Programs with Output: 

Basic C Programs | Simple Program in C

if else program | nested if else program in c

switch case programs in c

while loop programs | do while loop programs

Star Pattern in C

Array Programs in C | C Programs on Arrays

String Programs in C | Reverse string program in C

User defined function program in c

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